
Secondary equity: Simplified liquidity trading for shareholders

Make equity financing more tangible for your early investors and employees. We’ll provide the right toolset and connect you with top-tier investors.

Secondary market offers

Acquire shares in mature companies

Designed for investors seeking access to pre-IPO companies, we are connecting you directly with high-potential secondary market deals.

Enjoy 2-4 weeks transaction timelines and multiple closings, providing our investors’ community with a fast process.

Invest starting at €2,500 (€1,000 for SeedBlink Club members) and expand your portfolio with secondary opportunities.

Let SeedBlink handle the heavy lifting, from the investment vehicle (SeedBlink Nominee) to signature collection and share transfers.

Discover Secondaries offers today

Run a secondary transaction

Our team of experts takes care of the tedious parts while your investors or employees enjoy liquidity.

Onboarding investors (KYC & AML checks) in the dedicated dataroom.

Generating documents, collecting signatures, executing transfers.

Fast closing (2-4 weeks) and management of secondary market transactions.

Our shared success stories

Discover how our investors’ community and founders reached their goals with SeedBlink’s suite of products.

You set the rules

SeedBlink Secondaries gives you complete control over equity financing for your employees with vested shares and current investors. Together, we decide the design of the transactions, and under which conditions.

Do you want to run your secondary transaction?

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