
SeedBlink enables exit for investors in SanoPass after 2 and a half years from the initial investment

SanoPass: The platform for medical & fitness services & memberships

SeedBlink enables exit for investors in SanoPass after 2 and a half years from the initial investment

SanoPass: The platform for medical & fitness services & memberships



Ioan Tararache, Software Engineer at VINCI Energies; Sebastian-Alexandru Pop, Junior Portfolio Manager at BT Asset Management; Mircea Capatina, Co-founder & Marketing Director at SmartBill

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SeedBlink Products

SeedBlink Ventures

I am happy to be part of the first exit in the platform's history. This event paves the way for many more investment successes for investors and SeedBlink.

The exit from Sanopass is a success because of the return achieved through a smooth and unimpeded investment process. Congratulations to all parties involved in the process.

Sebastian-Alexandru Pop
Junior Portfolio Manager

SeedBlink enables exit for investors in SanoPass after 2 and a half years from the initial investment

With SanoPass being acquired by MedLife, SeedBlink marked the first exit of a portfolio company. The MedTech startup raised funding on SeedBlink in two successful rounds, marking a significant milestone for the platform and its investors.

This exit occurred two and a half years after the initial investment, providing early financial rewards for the investors.


Ensuring a seamless and profitable exit process for investors involves meticulous coordination between stakeholders to meet legal and financial obligations promptly. The process must be transparent and efficient, with clear communication on timelines and procedures.

Additionally, the investment valuation must be fair, reflecting the startup's growth, to provide investors confidence in their returns. Maintaining investor trust throughout this process is crucial to upholding the platform's reputation and future opportunities.


SeedBlink Ventures

SeedBlink provided a comprehensive exit strategy tailored to the needs of private investors. The platform facilitated smooth transactions, robust support for negotiations, and efficient handling of all financial and legal documentation, ensuring a successful exit for SanoPass investors.

The first profit made was the moment I had been waiting for since the first investment. The multiplication factor is lower than I dreamed, but I realized what the whole investment process means from end to end. That gives me confidence for the future.

Ioan Tararache
IT Project Manager
I am happy to be part of the first exit in the platform's history. This event paves the way for many more investment successes for investors and SeedBlink.

The exit from Sanopass is a success because of the return achieved through a smooth and unimpeded investment process. Congratulations to all parties involved in the process.

Sebastian-Alexandru Pop
Junior Portfolio Manager
Sanopass was my first investment through SeedBlink, and here it is, my first success! It also came as a surprise at a very bearish time on the whole investment front, making the otherwise excellent return even more impactful for me.

The SeedBlink operation is worth mentioning; everything went very smoothly and with minimal effort on my part.

Mircea Capatina
Co-Founder & Marketing Director


Through SeedBlink’s Ventures, investors such as Ioan Tararache, Sebastian-Alexandru Pop, and Mircea Capatina successfully navigated the complexities of the exit process, ensuring profitable and smooth transactions that reinforced their confidence in SeedBlink's platform.

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